Global HR Compliance

Simplify global compliance for faster growth.

Workday supports businesses in navigating the complexity of managing global HR compliance with the flexibility to adapt to meet changing industry needs.

Global reporting dashboard showing bar graphs for average comp-ratio by courier and gender, and diversity age group by management level.

What You Can Do

Stay on top of regulatory changes.

In today’s global economy, keeping pace with HR compliance is daunting. Whether it’s GDPR or ACA management, we provide the tools and information to help you meet your obligations where you do business.

Key Capabilities
  • Global foundation

  • Built for control
  •  Privacy by design

  • Support for new and evolving regulations

  • Consistent security model

“[With] continuous innovation on a single codeline, we’re able to keep pace with new regulations and industry changes without the pain of costly, time-consuming upgrades that we would have experienced with legacy systems.”

Enable Global Compliance

Manage HR compliance with confidence.

Our global-at-the-core approach enables organizations to operate internationally while managing locally.

Group of people looking at a computer.

Built with trust and transparency.

Our experts monitor global regulations and commit to transparency in all we do, including our Responsible AI framework. We share insights to help in an evolving landscape.

Built for control.

When it comes to global compliance, you know what’s best for your business. Our flexible foundation gives customers control while ensuring auditability and data security.

Built for flexibility.

We provide configurability for your unique compliance objectives. When regulatory requirements change, we are able to release updates to all customers with no disruption.

Deploy faster with Workday.

Ready to talk?
Get in touch.