Getting the Basics Right

Keep your workforce moving forever forward.

If you’re going to build a future-ready workforce, you need a solid foundation of data, analytics, and the right technology. Learn how you can manage your people from hire to retire—and everything in between.

People gathered around a table.
Woman looking at a device, smiling.

Optimizing Every Step

Master the entire employee journey.

The world of work only continues to evolve. With Workday, you can move your workforce forward with confidence and agility by streamlining processes from plan to hire through retire.

Plan to hire.

Hiring the right people starts with having the right planning in place. Workday delivers the insights you need to plan for future needs, recruit top talent, and successfully onboard and engage them.

Hire to pay.

Bring payroll and HR together to make the hire-to-pay process better for everyone. With Workday, you can pay people accurately, on time, and compliantly, while meeting evolving workforce expectations.

Develop to perform.

The answer to your skills gaps lies in your existing workforce. Workday AI makes it easy to find and develop needed skills while delivering personalized employee experiences and boosting productivity.

Reward to retain.

Retaining your employees means thinking outside the traditional compensation and benefits box. Workday helps you understand what people really want and deliver it, including growth opportunities, career development, and well-being programs.

Maximizing Performance

Get the most value out of your people and processes.

Streamlining and elevating your employee journey not only increases efficiency, but it also allows you to maximize your most valuable asset: your people. Learn how it’s possible with Workday.

Man with headphones on, using laptop computer at a desk.

Start building a future-ready workforce.