Build your bank’s resiliency.

Gain deeper insight, improve efficiency, and enhance the employee experience. With Workday, you get a system to run better than ever.

Woman taking the money from the ATM machine for shopping

Creates reports 75% faster using financial reporting and analytics.

Cuts days off the forecasting and reporting process using continuous and company-wide planning.

Streamlines project request process using spend management.

Reduces manual transactions and streamlines operations using talent management.


A use for all aspects of your organization.

Automated and Scalable Finance

Financial Reporting and Analytics

Continuous and Company-Wide Planning

Spend Management

Talent Management

KPMG’s Finance Leaders Guide to Business Continuity Webinar

A guide to business continuity with KPMG.

What does it take to sustain your bank in the face of change? Get best practices and strategies for building resilience from finance leaders at KPMG and Workday.

See how we put our customers at the center.

Ready to talk?
Get in touch.