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The evolving role of the CIO.

CEOs now look to their CIOs to provide guidance on digital strategy and support business growth through technology. Discover how CIOs can align with what their executives want and help their companies thrive in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

CIO of the Future

The role of the CIO is changing—fast. Once known as the “custodian of technology,” the new CIO is now expected to vigorously leverage technology to deliver revenue-generating experiences that win, serve, and retain customers and grow the business. Read the feature story to learn the skills you need if you want to meet the challenge.

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The 4 Key Requirements for CIOs of the Future

Today’s economic environment requires that the CIO of the future emphasize business knowledge with technical depth, along with evangelism and leadership abilities. For additional key insights into the evolving CIO role, read our latest blog that explores what tomorrow’s CIO needs to be doing today to succeed.