비전 키노트
– 정응섭 지사장, Workday Korea
이노베이션 키노트: AI Innovation
– 쉐인 루크(Shane Luke) AI 및 머신러닝 기술총괄 부사장, Workday
초청강연: 기업의 AI 활용 대안과 사례
– 천석범 대표, INF Consulting
Elevate Hong Kong Customer Session: 대한항공의 Workday 트랜스포메이션 여정
– 장선현 부사장, 대한항공
Making the Future Work: Workday HCM 전략과 비전
– 앨리슨 스키니(Allyson Skene) 부사장, Workday APJ
AI 발전에 따른 HR의 변화
– 황공주 상무, Deloitte
Power to Adapt 달성: Workday 기술 전략과 비전
– 문성민 시니어 엔터프라이즈 아키텍트, Workday Korea
생성형 AI가 인사서비스를 어떻게 바꾸는가?
– 신효정 프로/김준우 프로, Samsung SDS
시스템 통합을 위한 지속 가능한 HR 시스템
– 송민석 프로, 한화 솔루션
성공적인 Global HR을 위한 고려사항 및 구현방안
– 이승배 솔루션 컨설팅팀 리더, Workday Korea
대한항공의 직원경험 향상 노력
– 최영호 수석, 대한항공
Featured Speakers
Hear from business luminaries.
Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.
Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.
Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.
Workday hosts shared learnings from the past year, discusses our momentum in healthcare, and summarizes key insights from sessions.
What guests have to say.
Capture the voice of your employees.
“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”
Capture the voice of your employees.
“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”
Capture the voice of your employees.
“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”
Capture the voice of your employees.
“Workday gives managers more insight into their teams to make better decisions and to plan ahead.”
Workday Elevate Seoul은 각 분야의 전문성을 가진 파트너들과 함께 하며, 참관 기업의 미래와 도약에 대해 함께 논의하는 자리가 될 것 입니다.
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