Media and Entertainment Use Case

See how media and entertainment companies can use Workday Adaptive Planning.

Workday Adaptive Planning gives media and entertainment companies the power to model, plan, forecast, and adapt to whatever comes next.

Workday Adaptive Planning KPI dashboard for media production company

Key use cases.

Explore models built for the media and entertainment industry.

  • Title greenlighting—Budget production costs, plan tax incentives, and greenlight titles to plan go-aheads.
  • Production planning—Plan cast/crew and supplier expenses, amortize production costs based on viewership, forecast ultimate revenue, and reconcile funding limits. Model participations and residuals, as well as tax credits.
  • Title or genre profitability—Allocate corporate expenses to analyze profitability at the title or genre level.
  • Ad planning—Build models to forecast ad insertion, omnichannel distribution, ad rates, and buying.
  • Campaign planning—Plan sales and marketing Initiatives related to a specific title or event.
  • Gaming cohorts and subscribers—Model subscription revenue, user cohort behavior, in-game transactions, production costs, and revenue by title.

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