Workday Discover 台灣 2023 線上重溫

Workday Discover 台灣2023 活動中,匯聚了來自各行業的頂尖人力資源及IT 領導者和專家,他們分享了對於各種主題的見解,從人工智慧和機器學習的轉型潛力,到如何在組織中應對不確定性並建立彈性。從業界專家學習,獲得在疫情期間應對勞動力挑戰的寶貴策略,透過個人化且數據驅動的員工體驗來提升生產力,以及面對經濟不確定性的規劃。別錯過這個機會,立即觀看我們的精彩重溫。

Workday Discover 研討會回放

Explore New Horizons Keynote by Paul Henaghan, President, Workday Asia Pacific-Japan

The Future of Work

  • 陳慧珠, 中華開發金控資深副總經理暨人資長
  • 魏爾彰, 中國信託銀行資深副總經理暨人資總管理處總處長
  • 吳麗娟, 趨勢科技人力資源資深副總裁
  • 吳漢銘, 麥肯錫公司全球副董事合夥人

Innovating in the World of AI and ML by Raghu Prasad, Vice President, Solution Consulting & Architecture, Workday Asia Pacific-Japan


  • Pei Woan Wong, Workday 亞洲區人力資源暨資訊解決方案總監
  • Max Seto, Workday 大中華區人力資源解決方案總監

Strategies for Navigating Uncertainty and Building Resilience in Your Organization by Workday Partners

Workday Platform:在 AI/ ML 人工智慧和機器學習的世界中創新及資訊經驗談

  • Bobby Wu, Workday 亞洲區企業架構主管
  • 楊偉強, 中華開發金控資深副總經理暨資訊長

Leaders of change: Strategy and Vision for CHROs by Allyson Skene, Senior Director, HCM Strategy, Workday Asia Pacific-Japan

AI/ ML Enabled Skill-based Organization (SBO) Transformation

俞莉蓁, 勤業眾信管理諮詢人力資本服務副總監

Manage Change and Navigate Uncertainty through Meaningful Employee Experiences by Pei Woan Wong, Director, oCHRO and oCIO Solutions, Asia, Workday


盧宛瑩, 資誠企業管理顧問公司協理

Creating Value in a Changing World by Marise Maltman, Office of CFO Leader, Workday Asia Pacific-Japan


Fiona Lee,IBM Talent Transformation Leader

Planning in a Time of Economic Uncertainty by Sammy Yeung and Vince Randall

Mckinsey - The State of Organizations 2023

Discover 盛況